This is my custom vim script, based heavily on a script I picked up from DA. The script requires the vim Bundle plugin (Vundle), once installed open a vim window and type ‘BundleInstall’ and the other plugins will be downloaded and installed for the session user. There are a few font and encoding setting that need to be configured, especially when used through putty.
"----------------------------------------------" " Author: custom vim stuff by jack " "----------------------------------------------" """ Vundle plugin manager {{{ filetype off " required to init set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ " include vundle call vundle#rc() " init vundle """ github repos, uncomment to disable a plugin {{{ Bundle 'chrisbra/SudoEdit.vim' Bundle 'ervandew/supertab' Bundle 'gmarik/vundle' Bundle 'kien/ctrlp.vim' Bundle 'lilydjwg/colorizer' Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline' Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion' Bundle 'msanders/snipmate.vim' Bundle 'nanotech/jellybeans.vim' Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter' Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree' Bundle 'Townk/vim-autoclose' Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' Bundle 'tpope/vim-surround' Bundle 'trapd00r/x11colors.vim' Bundle 'vim-scripts/Align' Bundle 'vim-scripts/mru.vim' Bundle 'xuhdev/SingleCompile' " Requires a compiler or syntax/code checker, see :h Syntastic Bundle 'scrooloose/syntastic' " Requires ctags installed Bundle 'majutsushi/tagbar' " Requires a working Ruby-install (but not vim compiled with ruby) Bundle 'simmel/vim-pastie' " Requires the clang compilator Bundle 'Rip-Rip/clang_complete' " Requires the python package 'jedi' (also if you're in a " no-site-packages virtenv) Bundle 'davidhalter/jedi-vim' """ }}} """ User interface {{{ """ Syntax highlighting {{{ filetype plugin indent on " enable ft+plugin detect syntax on " syntax highlighting set t_Co=256 " 256-colors set background=dark " we're using a dark bg colors jellybeans " select colorscheme highlight Normal ctermbg=NONE " use terminal background highlight nonText ctermbg=NONE " use terminal background au BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt set ft=sh " opens .txt w/highlight """ }}} """ Interface general {{{ set cursorline " hilight cursor line set more " ---more--- like less set number " line numbers set scrolloff=5 " lines above/below cursor set showcmd " show cmds being typed set title " window title set titlestring=%t set vb t_vb= " disable beep and flashing set wildignore=.bak,.pyc,.o,.ojb,.,a, " ignore said files \.pdf,.jpg,.gif,.png, \.avi,.mkv,.so set wildmenu " better auto complete set wildmode=longest,list " bash-like auto complete """ Encoding {{{ " If you're having problems with Powerline glyphs you can force " UTF-8 if your locale is something else. " WARNING: this will affect encoding used when editing files! " set encoding=utf-8 " For Powerline glyphs """ }}} """ Gvim {{{ " set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 8 " set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline set guifont=DejaVuSansMono-Powerline set guioptions-=m " remove menubar set guioptions-=T " remove toolbar set guioptions-=r " remove right scrollbar """ }}} """ Powerline {{{ let g:Powerline_symbols = 'fancy' " glyphs, req. fontpatch let g:Powerline_symbols_override = { \ 'BRANCH': [0x2213], \ } " use ∓ """ Powerline mode names {{{ let g:Powerline_mode_n = ' N ' let g:Powerline_mode_i = ' I ' let g:Powerline_mode_R = ' R ' let g:Powerline_mode_v = ' V ' let g:Powerline_mode_V = 'V·L' let g:Powerline_mode_cv = 'V·B' let g:Powerline_mode_s = ' S ' let g:Powerline_mode_S = 'S·L' let g:Powerline_mode_cs = 'S·B' """ }}} """ }}} """ }}} """ }}} """ General settings {{{ set hidden " buffer change, more undo set history=200 " default 20 set iskeyword+=_,$,@,%,# " not word dividers set laststatus=2 " always show statusline set listchars=tab:>\ " > to highlightset list " displaying listchars set mouse=a " mouse in all modes set nocompatible " don't vi-compatible set noshowmode " hide mode in cmd-line set noexrc " don't use other .*rc(s) set nostartofline " no goto #1 char in line set nowrap " don't wrap lines set numberwidth=5 " 99999 lines set ttymouse=xterm2 " Currently being tested """ Folding {{{ set foldcolumn=0 " hide folding column set foldmethod=indent " folds using indent set foldnestmax=10 " max 10 nested folds set foldlevelstart=99 " folds open by default """ }}} """ Search and replace {{{ set gdefault " default s//g (global) set incsearch " "live"-search set ignorecase " case insensitive search """ }}} """ Matching {{{ set matchtime=2 " time to blink match {} set matchpairs+=<:> " for ci< or ci> set showmatch " tmpjump to match-bracket """ }}} """ Return to last edit position when opening files {{{ autocmd BufReadPost * \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | \ exe "normal! g`\"" | \ endif """ }}} """ }}} """ Files {{{ set autochdir " always use curr. dir. set autoread " refresh if changed set backup " backup curr file set backupdir=~/.vim/backup " backup director{y,ies} set backupext=~ " append ~ to backups set confirm " confirm changed files set noautowrite " never autowrite set updatecount=50 " update swp after 50chars """ Persistent undo. Requires Vim 7.3 {{{ if has('persistent_undo') && exists("&undodir") set undodir=~/.vim/undo/ " where to store undofiles set undofile " enable undofile set undolevels=500 " max undos stored set undoreload=10000 " buffer stored undos endif """ }}} """ }}} """ Text formatting {{{ set autoindent " preserve indentation set backspace=indent,eol,start " smart backspace "set expandtab " no real tabs set nrformats+=alpha " incr/decr letters C-a/-x set shiftround " be clever with tabs set shiftwidth=4 " default 8 set smartcase " igncase,except capitals set smartindent " see autoindent set smarttab " tab to 0,4,8 etc. "set softtabstop=4 " "tab" feels like "set tabstop=4 " replace w/4 spaces """ Only auto-comment newline for block comments {{{ au FileType c,cpp setlocal comments -=:// comments +=f:// """ }}} """ }}} """ Keybindings {{{ """ General {{{ " Remap let mapleader="," " Quickly edit/source .vimrc noremap ve :edit ~/.vimrc noremap vs :source ~/.vimrc " Yank(copy) to system clipboard noremap y "+y " Toggle text wrapping nmap w :set invwrap :set wrap? " Toggle folding nnoremap @=(foldlevel('.')?'za':"\ ") vnoremap zf " Delete previous word with C-BS, doesn't work in all terminals imap " Bubbling (bracket matching) nmap [e nmap ]e vmap [egv vmap ]egv " Move faster map map " Treat wrapped lines as normal lines nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk " Move a line of text using ALT-{j,k} nmap mz:m+ `z nmap mz:m-2 `z " Rebind æøå (Norwegian keys) noremap ø : noremap å [ noremap æ ] " Split and switch to new pane nnoremap d v l " vertical nnoremap s s l " horizontal " We don't need any help! inoremap nnoremap vnoremap " Toggle syntax highlight map :if exists("syntax_on") \ syntax off else syntax enable endif """ }}} """ Plugins {{{ " Toggle tagbar (definitions, functions etc.) map :TagbarToggle " Toggle the NERDTree file browser map :NERDTreeToggle " Toggle pastemode, doesn't indent set pastetoggle= " SingleCompile nmap :SCCompile nmap :SCCompileRun call SingleCompile#SetCompilerTemplate('cpp', 'gcc', 'GNU C Compiler', \'g++', '-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -O3 -std=c++0x -o $(FILE_TITLE)$', \'./$(FILE_TITLE)$') call SingleCompile#SetOutfile('cpp', 'gcc', '$(FILE_TITLE)$') call SingleCompile#ChooseCompiler('cpp', 'gcc') " Toggle Syntastic error list. Probably should be toggleable. noremap lo :Errors noremap lc :lcl " Snipmate remapping imap =TriggerSnippet() """ }}} """ Highlight characters past 80, toggle with h {{{ nnoremap h :call ToggleOverLengthHighlight() let g:overlength_enabled = 0 highlight OverLength ctermbg=black guibg=#212121 function! ToggleOverLengthHighlight() if g:overlength_enabled == 0 match OverLength /\%80v.*/ let g:overlength_enabled = 1 echo 'OverLength highlighting turned on' else match let g:overlength_enabled = 0 echo 'OverLength highlighting turned off' endif endfunction """ }}} """ Toggle relativenumber using r {{{ nnoremap r :call NumberToggle() function! NumberToggle() if(&relativenumber == 1) set number else set relativenumber endif endfunction """ }}} """ }}} """ Misc plugin settings {{{ " NERDTree let g:NERDTreeWinPos = "left" let g:NERDTreeHijackNetrw=1 " TagBar let g:tagbar_left = 0 let g:tagbar_width = 30 set tags=tags;/ " Stop CtrlP from recalculating on files on start let g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit = 0 let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'ra' let g:ctrlp_root_markers = ['.root', 'Makefile', '.git' ] " clang_complete - C++11 let g:clang_user_options="-std=c++0x" " Syntastic let g:syntastic_cpp_check_header = 1 let g:syntastic_cpp_compiler_options = ' -std=c++0x' let g:syntastic_mode_map = { \ 'mode': 'passive', \ 'active_filetypes': \ ['c', 'cpp', 'javascript', 'perl', 'python', 'sh'] } " Automatically remove preview window after autocomplete (clang_complete) autocmd CursorMovedI * if pumvisible() == 0|pclose|endif autocmd InsertLeave * if pumvisible() == 0|pclose|endif " Private pastie (simmel's fork of tpope's vim-pastie with help from garno) let g:pastie_private = 1 """ }}} """ Use ~/.vimrc.local if exists {{{{ if filereadable($HOME."/.vimrc.local") source $HOME/.vimrc.local endif """ }}}